Digvijaya Singh Claims Nitish Kumar May Leave NDA Before Lok Sabha Elections 2019
The former Madhya Pradesh chief minister alleged that Kumar, who heads the JD(U), an NDA constituent, cannot survive without power. Aforesaid he may walk out of the ruling alliance if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity drops before the election.”It takes only 24 hours for Kumar to make a volte-face. Lok Sabha elections are six months away. Palti (U-turn) is possible,” Singh, who is in Patna on a private visit, told a news channel. Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said Wednesday He foresees the possibility of Bihar. Chief Minister Nitish KumarRead More
BJP succeeded by 60 seats uncontested Kashmir Civic Polls; Also BJP likely to control at least 7 ULBs as NC, PDP boycott elections
For the first time in the electoral history of Jammu and Kashmir, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is likely to take control of at least seven municipal committees in Kashmir Valley without even contesting the elections. This comes after the two main regional parties — National Conference and Peoples Democratic Party — decided to boycott the urban local body polls in protest against the Centre’s plan to scrap the special status of the state. At least 60 candidates of the BJP have won their seats uncontested, and a majority ofRead More
For 2019 Lok Sabha Election BJP Plans Campaigning on WhatsApp
Prime Minister Narendra Modi met a group of senior BJP leaders about three weeks back where the details of this campaign were presented to them by a senior official in the Prime Minister’s Office, the first person said, asking not to be identified. Meet the “cell phone pramukh” , a key player in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s campaign for 2019. Around 900,000 of these, one for each polling booth or station (there are 927,533) , will drive the party’s extensive WhatsApp-based campaign for parliamentary election, circulating specially designed campaign materialRead More
For 2019 Election Polls Congress Sticks To Shiva , BJP To Ram, SP Picks Vishnu For Goodluck!
Ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the key political parties of Uttar Pradesh seem to have chosen their favourite lords. With the BJP apparently sticking to Lord Ram, the Samajwadi Party seems to have chosen Vishnu and the Congress Lord Shiva to spur their poll fortunes, if remarks by their leaders are any indication. Congress president Rahul Gandh, fresh from his Mansarovar Yatra, was greeted in his Lok Sabha constituency Amethi this week by hundreds of ‘bol bam’-chanting party activists, all dressed up as “Kanwariyas”, the devotees of LordRead More
In SP Event With Mulayam’s Presence, Shivpal Yadav’s Morcha ‘Not Demoralised’
SSM spokesman Deepak Mishra told they were not demoralised after the presence of Mulayam Yadav at an SP event in New Delhi. “We are moving ahead with our socialist agenda and working to strengthen our oganisation,” he said. Determined to “move ahead” with its “socialist” agenda despite Mulayam Singh Yadav making his stand obvious by attending Samajwadi Party events, the Samajwadi Secular Morcha (SSM) said Wednesday it was working on strengthening its organisation and will continue to “honour” the SP founder. SSM spokesman Deepak Mishra told they were not demoralisedRead More